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Writing to Your MP

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 1 Aug 2023 | comments*Discuss
Writing To Your Mp Letters To Your Mp

Many people would feel daunted by writing to their local Member of Parliament although there is no reason why they should. After all, our local MP is only in a position of power as we voted him/her into that position in the first place and if we remember that they are there to serve us, the people, then the whole process of writing to our local MP shouldn’t be daunting at all.

The reality is that MPs mostly welcome letters from their constituents as it is only by knowing the issues that concern people at the grass roots level, that our MP can take stock of what is happening within their constituency and bring these issues to wider attention.

MPs are there to represent us. They are the ‘voice of the people’. Therefore, if you feel strongly about any issues that affect either your local community or the country as a whole (or both), or whether you agree strongly for or against how the Government is dealing with a particular issue or simply to put an issue on the agenda, then you should consider writing to your MP as it is only by telling them how you feel that they might be in a position to help.

How to Write a Letter to Your MP

In addressing your letter, you should simply put Mr., Mrs., Ms or Miss followed by their surname. However, if the MP is, or has been, a Minister then it is courteous to address your letter c/o Rt. Hon Mr/Mrs etc. The ‘Rt.Hon’ stands for ‘right honourable’. Your letter should be courteous and well-presented and thought out. It is important to express your feelings but you should do this rationally and be respectful as this tone of letter is more likely to be met more favourably than if you’re too harsh and critical. You can either post your letter c/o your MP to the House of Commons address in London which is easy to find out or to your MP’s local constituency address, which may even be their own home address, and which is usually found on any literature they may have sent out to you.

You should always bear in mind that it may take a little time for your MP to respond to your letter as MPs tend to receive a lot of correspondence from their constituents in addition to other governmental matters they have to attend to.

Here is an example of a letter written by a constituent to their MP complaining about the lack of parking facilities at a local primary school.

Dear Mr. Howard,

As my local MP for Sudbury, you will, no doubt, be well aware of the traffic congestion that occurs every day, twice a day, 5 days a week at the junction of Cross Street and Barnaby Lane, close to Arrowe Hall Primary School.

I wish to draw your attention to the problems we have with regards to having safe access to pick up and drop off our children at the school. My daughter Hannah attends this school and, although I’m not a car owner myself, each day Hannah and I are subject to a very hazardous walk to and from school with some parents often parking on the kerb itself as there is insufficient space for everybody to use the school’s car park.

The other day, Hannah was knocked off her feet by one of the parents who had quickly swung the passenger door open without realising that Hannah was on the kerb about to walk past the car and into the school. Although Hannah was not seriously injured, apart from a few minor bumps and grazes, there has been an increasing number of cases of this kind of incident occurring since the school’s capacity was increased by an additional 50 pupils last year and I am very concerned that there may be a far worse injury or accident to one of the children or their parents, if nothing is done about this soon.

I hope you can find the time to visit the location during one of these busy periods to see for yourself just how serious the problem has become and can, subsequently, lobby some of your fellow members of parliament to support a change in the law regarding curbside parking near schools.

I would be very interested in hearing from you with regards to your views on this matter and what you might be able to do about it.

Thank you in anticipation of your help.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Tracy Baines

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