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How to Write an Open Letter

By: Catherine Burrows - Updated: 3 Feb 2024 | comments*Discuss
How To Write An Open Letter

The open letter is playing a growing role in modern communication because it’s an excellent way of reaching a wide audience. The definition of an open letter is that it is open to the public, not a closed and private communication between two individuals.

There tend to be two main types of open letter:

1. The first is an un addressed letter to be read by a large number of people. For example, a letter an employer sends to all employees or a letter from a company to all its customers.

2. The second type of open letter is addressed to a specific individual but is intended to be read by a large number of people. Journalists or political activists often publish letters addressed to politicians or public officials in a newspaper or magazine so their views can be shared with the publication’s readers.

As social media and networks go from strength to strength, the open letter is evolving and becoming an increasingly popular way to communicate.

Important Questions to Ask

Some people mistakenly think that an open letter can be a loose and ‘free style’ form of communication. Nothing could be further from the truth. If it is designed to appeal to large number of readers, the letter must be targeted, tightly written and pertinent. Open letters need to have impact through powerful writing and this is achieved through careful planning.

The easiest way to start planning an open letter is to ask three simple questions. These tips should help you to think about the most effective ways to write an open letter.

  • Who is your audience? Identifying typical readers of your letter will enable you to pitch the tone and language of your letter so that it’s engages your reader. This is important because their name isn’t at the top of the letter, so the letter has to find other ways of ‘speaking’ to them. Different letters to different newspapers are tailored to suit the tone of the readership- traditional, ‘broadsheet’ newspapers will use a completely different tone to a tabloid publication.
  • What is your letter about? You should be able to summarise the point of your letter in a single sentence. If you can’t, find ways to simplify your argument or view. The tighter your subject area, the more powerful your letter will be. If the letter has impact, the reader will read from the first word to the last.
  • What are you trying to achieve? All letters have a purpose. The open letter has a very specific purpose because you have chosen to communicate in such an open way. This will determine the style, tone and content of your letter. Perhaps the letter is designed to motivate people to act or follow instructions, maybe you want to provoke discussion, create specific emotions or raise awareness and stimulate thought.

The Next Steps

Organise your message into clear and concise bullet points. Look at each point in turn and number them in accordance with a ranking system.

This should reflect the importance of each point and the order in which they should appear in the letter. Make sure that each point follows the previous in a logical and flowing way. If you don’t achieve this, the effect is jarring and it will alienate the reader.

Writing the Letter

Write your letter in one sitting if you can. This maintains the flow and makes your letter more impassioned. Consult your bullet points as you proceed, this will stop you from wandering off and losing the thread.

When you have finished writing the letter, scan the document briefly for basic errors like spelling or grammar mistakes. Put the letter away and re-visit it later. This gives you some distance from your writing, even if it’s only for an hour and allows you reassess your work objectively.

As you edit and polish the letter, look out for common pitfalls like:

  • Using a preaching or sanctimonious tone.
  • Waffling too much or wandering off the subject.
  • Using an attacking or aggressive tone which alienates the reader.
  • Make sure the beginning is powerful, that the middle is strong and logical and the ending returns full circle to make a convincing conclusion.

Open letters can be incredibly powerful but they have many pitfalls because they have to deliver targeted messages to more than one person. If your message is strong and the method you use to help you write the letter is logical and well-considered, you should be able to write a letter to be proud of.

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H - 6-Apr-21 @ 10:43 AM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mollis odio dolor, et vulputate ipsum luctus sit amet. Quisque pulvinar, odio nec blandit mattis, ante arcu ullamcorper sapien, quis viverra dolor sapien vel orci. Nulla feugiat ac libero in efficitur. Pellentesque non luctus justo. Morbi odio odio, tempor sit amet erat sed, fermentum elementum velit. Phasellus at vestibulum ex, elementum congue enim. Duis venenatis ultrices blandit. Pellentesque posuere mattis arcu, eget tempor est interdum id. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer interdum, lectus non ultrices euismod, justo ligula blandit ante, convallis ullamcorper arcu enim ut ipsum. Sed finibus justo ut nisi sagittis, sit amet malesuada urna interdum. Mauris non justo neque. Vestibulum euismod dapibus ipsum. Nam mi purus, maximus sit amet purus vel, scelerisque pulvinar arcu. Nam sagittis risus a dui ornare, quis elementum arcu viverra. Phasellus dapibus sem eu dignissim cursus. Sed facilisis porttitor eros ut vestibulum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed pellentesque erat ac auctor porttitor. Sed porta diam sodales, dictum massa id, venenatis enim. Sed volutpat, metus in fringilla porttitor, libero ipsum mollis lectus, non accumsan nunc diam sit amet quam. Suspendisse potenti. In mollis ipsum libero, vel consectetur augue pharetra in. Aenean id ex ultrices, consequat magna quis, iaculis purus. Vestibulum sit amet sapien ac orci ornare condimentum a a enim. Donec a laoreet tortor. Maecenas eu turpis non libero laoreet lacinia. Proin id orci orci. Aliquam hendrerit enim felis, in auctor sem pretium eu. Aliquam nisl nulla, mollis luctus nulla vel, placerat pellentesque libero. Nam semper lectus ante, pharetra laoreet nisi pellentesque sed. Nulla vitae mi ornare, feugiat dui vitae, vestibulum turpis. Mauris erat neque, aliquet id iaculis non, luctus nec velit. Donec in ultricies lectus. Fusce rutrum suscipit elementum. Nulla lacinia odio id metus efficitur tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse ornare vulputate condimentum. Phasellus urna dui, ornare ut malesuada a, interdum eget sem. Pellentesque hendrerit ultricies quam, eu faucibus nisl egestas at. Etiam hendrerit est erat, vel viverra urna suscipit eu. Quisque consequat nulla vitae nisi fringilla placerat. Sed sit amet dolor non dui laoreet finibus eu id turpis. Pellentesque rutrum eros ac laoreet elementum. Etiam rutrum tincidunt lorem quis pulvinar. Pellentesque ultricies quam sit amet magna pretium feugiat. Duis cursus purus ac nibh sollicitudin, at sagittis diam sodales. Fusce arcu purus, dapibus tempus erat non, pellentesque posuere mauris. Quisque venenatis nisl quis nunc viverra, ac ornare metus tincidunt. Sed ullamcorper risus urna, accumsan ultricies dui interdum id. Pellentesque vulputate lorem velit, quis venenatis diam scelerisque eu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum aliquet sem nec diam
Siisisiid - 25-Mar-21 @ 5:51 AM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mollis odio dolor, et vulputate ipsum luctus sit amet. Quisque pulvinar, odio nec blandit mattis, ante arcu ullamcorper sapien, quis viverra dolor sapien vel orci. Nulla feugiat ac libero in efficitur. Pellentesque non luctus justo. Morbi odio odio, tempor sit amet erat sed, fermentum elementum velit. Phasellus at vestibulum ex, elementum congue enim. Duis venenatis ultrices blandit. Pellentesque posuere mattis arcu, eget tempor est interdum id. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer interdum, lectus non ultrices euismod, justo ligula blandit ante, convallis ullamcorper arcu enim ut ipsum. Sed finibus justo ut nisi sagittis, sit amet malesuada urna interdum. Mauris non justo neque. Vestibulum euismod dapibus ipsum. Nam mi purus, maximus sit amet purus vel, scelerisque pulvinar arcu. Nam sagittis risus a dui ornare, quis elementum arcu viverra. Phasellus dapibus sem eu dignissim cursus. Sed facilisis porttitor eros ut vestibulum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed pellentesque erat ac auctor porttitor. Sed porta diam sodales, dictum massa id, venenatis enim. Sed volutpat, metus in fringilla porttitor, libero ipsum mollis lectus, non accumsan nunc diam sit amet quam. Suspendisse potenti. In mollis ipsum libero, vel consectetur augue pharetra in. Aenean id ex ultrices, consequat magna quis, iaculis purus. Vestibulum sit amet sapien ac orci ornare condimentum a a enim. Donec a laoreet tortor. Maecenas eu turpis non libero laoreet lacinia. Proin id orci orci. Aliquam hendrerit enim felis, in auctor sem pretium eu. Aliquam nisl nulla, mollis luctus nulla vel, placerat pellentesque libero. Nam semper lectus ante, pharetra laoreet nisi pellentesque sed. Nulla vitae mi ornare, feugiat dui vitae, vestibulum turpis. Mauris erat neque, aliquet id iaculis non, luctus nec velit. Donec in ultricies lectus. Fusce rutrum suscipit elementum. Nulla lacinia odio id metus efficitur tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse ornare vulputate condimentum. Phasellus urna dui, ornare ut malesuada a, interdum eget sem. Pellentesque hendrerit ultricies quam, eu faucibus nisl egestas at. Etiam hendrerit est erat, vel viverra urna suscipit eu. Quisque consequat nulla vitae nisi fringilla placerat. Sed sit amet dolor non dui laoreet finibus eu id turpis. Pellentesque rutrum eros ac laoreet elementum. Etiam rutrum tincidunt lorem quis pulvinar. Pellentesque ultricies quam sit amet magna pretium feugiat. Duis cursus purus ac nibh sollicitudin, at sagittis diam sodales. Fusce arcu purus, dapibus tempus erat non, pellentesque posuere mauris. Quisque venenatis nisl quis nunc viverra, ac ornare metus tincidunt. Sed ullamcorper risus urna, accumsan ultricies dui interdum id. Pellentesque vulputate lorem velit, quis venenatis diam scelerisque eu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum aliquet sem nec diam
Siidksiis - 25-Mar-21 @ 5:51 AM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mollis odio dolor, et vulputate ipsum luctus sit amet. Quisque pulvinar, odio nec blandit mattis, ante arcu ullamcorper sapien, quis viverra dolor sapien vel orci. Nulla feugiat ac libero in efficitur. Pellentesque non luctus justo. Morbi odio odio, tempor sit amet erat sed, fermentum elementum velit. Phasellus at vestibulum ex, elementum congue enim. Duis venenatis ultrices blandit. Pellentesque posuere mattis arcu, eget tempor est interdum id. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer interdum, lectus non ultrices euismod, justo ligula blandit ante, convallis ullamcorper arcu enim ut ipsum. Sed finibus justo ut nisi sagittis, sit amet malesuada urna interdum. Mauris non justo neque. Vestibulum euismod dapibus ipsum. Nam mi purus, maximus sit amet purus vel, scelerisque pulvinar arcu. Nam sagittis risus a dui ornare, quis elementum arcu viverra. Phasellus dapibus sem eu dignissim cursus. Sed facilisis porttitor eros ut vestibulum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed pellentesque erat ac auctor porttitor. Sed porta diam sodales, dictum massa id, venenatis enim. Sed volutpat, metus in fringilla porttitor, libero ipsum mollis lectus, non accumsan nunc diam sit amet quam. Suspendisse potenti. In mollis ipsum libero, vel consectetur augue pharetra in. Aenean id ex ultrices, consequat magna quis, iaculis purus. Vestibulum sit amet sapien ac orci ornare condimentum a a enim. Donec a laoreet tortor. Maecenas eu turpis non libero laoreet lacinia. Proin id orci orci. Aliquam hendrerit enim felis, in auctor sem pretium eu. Aliquam nisl nulla, mollis luctus nulla vel, placerat pellentesque libero. Nam semper lectus ante, pharetra laoreet nisi pellentesque sed. Nulla vitae mi ornare, feugiat dui vitae, vestibulum turpis. Mauris erat neque, aliquet id iaculis non, luctus nec velit. Donec in ultricies lectus. Fusce rutrum suscipit elementum. Nulla lacinia odio id metus efficitur tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse ornare vulputate condimentum. Phasellus urna dui, ornare ut malesuada a, interdum eget sem. Pellentesque hendrerit ultricies quam, eu faucibus nisl egestas at. Etiam hendrerit est erat, vel viverra urna suscipit eu. Quisque consequat nulla vitae nisi fringilla placerat. Sed sit amet dolor non dui laoreet finibus eu id turpis. Pellentesque rutrum eros ac laoreet elementum. Etiam rutrum tincidunt lorem quis pulvinar. Pellentesque ultricies quam sit amet magna pretium feugiat. Duis cursus purus ac nibh sollicitudin, at sagittis diam sodales. Fusce arcu purus, dapibus tempus erat non, pellentesque posuere mauris. Quisque venenatis nisl quis nunc viverra, ac ornare metus tincidunt. Sed ullamcorper risus urna, accumsan ultricies dui interdum id. Pellentesque vulputate lorem velit, quis venenatis diam scelerisque eu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum aliquet sem nec diam
Djwjis - 25-Mar-21 @ 5:50 AM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mollis odio dolor, et vulputate ipsum luctus sit amet. Quisque pulvinar, odio nec blandit mattis, ante arcu ullamcorper sapien, quis viverra dolor sapien vel orci. Nulla feugiat ac libero in efficitur. Pellentesque non luctus justo. Morbi odio odio, tempor sit amet erat sed, fermentum elementum velit. Phasellus at vestibulum ex, elementum congue enim. Duis venenatis ultrices blandit. Pellentesque posuere mattis arcu, eget tempor est interdum id. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer interdum, lectus non ultrices euismod, justo ligula blandit ante, convallis ullamcorper arcu enim ut ipsum. Sed finibus justo ut nisi sagittis, sit amet malesuada urna interdum. Mauris non justo neque. Vestibulum euismod dapibus ipsum. Nam mi purus, maximus sit amet purus vel, scelerisque pulvinar arcu. Nam sagittis risus a dui ornare, quis elementum arcu viverra. Phasellus dapibus sem eu dignissim cursus. Sed facilisis porttitor eros ut vestibulum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed pellentesque erat ac auctor porttitor. Sed porta diam sodales, dictum massa id, venenatis enim. Sed volutpat, metus in fringilla porttitor, libero ipsum mollis lectus, non accumsan nunc diam sit amet quam. Suspendisse potenti. In mollis ipsum libero, vel consectetur augue pharetra in. Aenean id ex ultrices, consequat magna quis, iaculis purus. Vestibulum sit amet sapien ac orci ornare condimentum a a enim. Donec a laoreet tortor. Maecenas eu turpis non libero laoreet lacinia. Proin id orci orci. Aliquam hendrerit enim felis, in auctor sem pretium eu. Aliquam nisl nulla, mollis luctus nulla vel, placerat pellentesque libero. Nam semper lectus ante, pharetra laoreet nisi pellentesque sed. Nulla vitae mi ornare, feugiat dui vitae, vestibulum turpis. Mauris erat neque, aliquet id iaculis non, luctus nec velit. Donec in ultricies lectus. Fusce rutrum suscipit elementum. Nulla lacinia odio id metus efficitur tristique. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse ornare vulputate condimentum. Phasellus urna dui, ornare ut malesuada a, interdum eget sem. Pellentesque hendrerit ultricies quam, eu faucibus nisl egestas at. Etiam hendrerit est erat, vel viverra urna suscipit eu. Quisque consequat nulla vitae nisi fringilla placerat. Sed sit amet dolor non dui laoreet finibus eu id turpis. Pellentesque rutrum eros ac laoreet elementum. Etiam rutrum tincidunt lorem quis pulvinar. Pellentesque ultricies quam sit amet magna pretium feugiat. Duis cursus purus ac nibh sollicitudin, at sagittis diam sodales. Fusce arcu purus, dapibus tempus erat non, pellentesque posuere mauris. Quisque venenatis nisl quis nunc viverra, ac ornare metus tincidunt. Sed ullamcorper risus urna, accumsan ultricies dui interdum id. Pellentesque vulputate lorem velit, quis venenatis diam scelerisque eu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum aliquet sem nec diam
Jaid - 25-Mar-21 @ 5:49 AM
Zak Kharares Venter was born in Western Australia and lives on 18 Christchurch Place Colege Grove Bunbury. He is 15 years old and has a GF by the name of Casey. Zak is a guy and has cury brown hair it makes him look fresh according ot his GF. He has fat thighs and bulky abs that scream that he his a body builder and loves the song Chug Jug. Got a number one victory royale Yeah fortnite we bout to get down (get down) Ten kills on the board right now Just wiped out tomato town My friends just go down I’ve revived him now we’re heading south bound Now we’re in the pleasant park streets Look at the map go to the mark sheets Take me to your Xbox to play fortnite today You can take me to moist mire but not loot lake I would really love to, chug with you We can be pro fortnite gamers He said hey broski You got some heals and a shield pot I need healing and I am only at one HP Hey dude sorry, I found nothing on the safari I checked the upstairs of that house but not the underneath yet There’s a chest that’s just down there The storm is coming fast and you need heals to prepare I’ve V-Bucks that I’ll spend More than you can contend I’m a cool pro fortntie gamer Cool pro fortntie ga- Take me to your Xbox to play fortnite today You can take me to moist mire but not loot lake I really love to, chug with you We can be pro fortnite gamers La la la la la ee a La la la la la ee a La la la la la ee a Yeah you be my pro fortnite gamer Pro fortnite gamer Can we get a win this weekend Take me to loot lake Let’s change the game mode and we can disco dominate We’ll top an ATK take me to the zone I’m running kinda low on mats I need to break some stone Dressed in all these fancy clothes He’s got Renegade Raider And he’s probably a pro He just shot my back I turn back and I attack I just got a victory royale A victory royale Take me to your Xbox to play fortnite today You can take me to moist mire but not loot lake I really love to, chug with you We can be pro fortnite gamers Got a number one victory royale Yeah fortnite we bout to get down (get down) Ten kills on the board right now Just wiped out tomato town My friends just go down I’ve revived him now we’re heading south bound Now we’re in the pleasant park streets Look at the map go to the mark sheets Take me to your Xbox to play fortnite today You can take me to moist mire but not loot lake I would really love to, chug with you We can be pro fortnite gamers He said hey broski You got some heals and a shield pot I need healing and I am only at one HP Hey dude sorry, I found nothing on the safari I checked the upstairs of that house but not the underneath yet There’s a chest that’s just down there The storm is coming fast and you need heals to prepare I’ve V-Bucks that I’ll spend More than you can contend I’m a cool pro fortntie gamer Cool pro fortntie ga- Take me to your Xbox to play fortnite today You can take me to moist m
FuckNigerCockSucker6 - 24-Mar-21 @ 4:03 AM
Fat Cock - 25-Feb-21 @ 1:15 AM
I really thank you for helping me create an open letter. It's for my schoolwork but still I want to impress my teacher like a thank you for all we learned. This is really helpful. God bless and stay safe!
Min - 13-Nov-20 @ 1:42 PM
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mimi mouse - 26-Oct-20 @ 1:46 AM
LOLO - 8-Sep-20 @ 7:29 PM
yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad yourdad
vinnypekaalu - 27-Aug-20 @ 12:07 AM
European Union history of Europe - Asia on a sort of Prince Kyi, Cheek, Horeb Lybed Here short explanation that the name of currency ( EURO ), was a derivative said on words, as a folk rumour, about currency of that time, that was begun with a word ( EUROPE ) is a word of family Prince KIY - ( KIEV - KYIV ). A RELICT And RELICS of city of KYIV are found in the sarcophagus of Yaroslav Wise 2009 - it is relics of mother KIY - Kyiv , Shek , KHORYV, LYBID is mothers on the name ( Taya ) - MELTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello the respected office workers of the European union ! I write to you about that in life even Light Prince of sort of Garbulinskiy Vasiliy(Alekseevich) , Pastushenko Vasiliy Victorovich - Garbulinskiy Vasiliy II , that were quiet as well as for the history of sort of ( KIY - Kyiv ) and his mother, there is nobody to say a true, and on present time . A bit below you will read this true, that can take and for itself however lie, and to accept her as she is, for that what to put, in order to design( patrimony ) on relics and relict of sort of ( KIY - KYIV ) - Pastushenkko Vasiliy Victorovich - Garbulinskiy Vasiliy 2, and also to design familial valuables, that were on the Polish side from 1380 of king Kazimir( coulomb from malachite and necklace from the stones of semiprecious stones ), that he not returned to our family of Garbulinskiy Vasiliy 2 - Pastushenko Vasiliy Victorovich . ( obetnica ) Vow of silence This (obetnica ) Vow of silence , kept, that as the knowledge successor of family Light Prince ( KIY - KYIV ) - Pastushenko Vasiliy Victorovich - Garbulinskiy Vasiliy 2, and also that was passed on words on family for families( STRONG ) from a generation in generations, from a father to the son, from a grandfather to the grandchild . EUROPE is ASIA the name that was given as ???????? silences are a secret, about that on present time it is possible to say a true, that was for the time being it is given LIGHT PRINCES of RUS - UKRAINE and ELEMENT ASIA, why it was not seized the not capture of this territory of Europe, the whole world of EUROPE to itself and to submit, from after one name, gave that and named CUE . It is the real history of Kyiv, of Ukraine, of Kyiv Rus !!! CONTINENT of EURASIA - on a sort of Prince Kyi, Cheek, Horeb Lybed - (Kyiv) and MUHAMMAD prophet . And this letter was mailed an even in the European union on human, rights even to the president of the European union .
garbulinskiyvasiliy2 - 6-Sep-18 @ 6:43 PM
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Deer - 22-Dec-17 @ 1:01 AM
European Union history of Europe - Asia on a sort of Prince Kyi, Cheek, Horeb Lybed ?? ????: ??????? ?????????? ????: president.junker@ec.europa.eu ??????????: 17.12.2017 19:53, Hello mr. president juncker European Union history of Europe - Asia on a sort of Prince Kyi, Cheek, Horeb Lybed from the author of idea of currency - EURO .The Euro and UAH in 1994 on June 15th. ?? ????: ??????? ?????????? ????: press.president@consilium.europa.eu ??????????: 19.08.2017 15:38, Hello respected Donald Tusk I sent by mail from 2012 four letters with notification yet of that time of Ketrin of Margaret Eshton, but in connection with that, I was not a member as citizen of the European union, these letters returned back with my project ( euro cent as calculation precious threw platinum ) back, without an answer .Say me it would be expedient to send a letter on Your address, by a letter with notification, not doing empty peculations, because, I do not even work officially on employment, domiciliary ? Then, I would tell you about that, I indeed author of the name of currency ( EURO ), and also the name ( EUROPE ), on family and for monogynopaediums Light Prince of family, and also its histories Garbulinskiy Vasiliy 2 - Pastushenko Vasiliy Vicktorovich . For what reason, I did not allow myself to tell the truth about himself, as the author of The Euro and UAH in 1994 on June 15th. Laws in 1991 -94 years who were still in the Soviet Union was not allowed to look at the future of Ukraine as a part of the European Union and it was impossible to take responsibility for the fact that we as a people and the authorities of Ukraine will be able to master this European legislation for which the short period of time even if I wrote this currency (Euro), and my family the past gave its name to the name of territoriality and Europe (EB Ropa). And the law, which was not in Ukraine copyright law. from the author of idea of currency - EURO : EVRO cent - as a calculation of weight of precious metal of Platinum. Who said that without a copyright ( burned out a logotype) it is possible to think of EURO to CURRENCY - as about democracy ? Your right to trust that to the not empty word of man, invented currency (EURO), rather than just to state power on present time of Ukraine, if there was not a dialogue and agreements about a human right on an authorial theme .
DEER - 22-Dec-17 @ 12:25 AM
European Union history of Europe - Asia on a sort of Prince Kyi, Cheek, Horeb Lybed ?? ????: ??????? ?????????? ????: president.junker@ec.europa.eu ??????????: 17.12.2017 19:53, Hello mr. president juncker European Union history of Europe - Asia on a sort of Prince Kyi, Cheek, Horeb Lybed from the author of idea of currency - EURO .The Euro and UAH in 1994 on June 15th. ?? ????: ??????? ?????????? ????: press.president@consilium.europa.eu ??????????: 19.08.2017 15:38, Hello respected Donald Tusk I sent by mail from 2012 four letters with notification yet of that time of Ketrin of Margaret Eshton, but in connection with that, I was not a member as citizen of the European union, these letters returned back with my project ( euro cent as calculation precious threw platinum ) back, without an answer .Say me it would be expedient to send a letter on Your address, by a letter with notification, not doing empty peculations, because, I do not even work officially on employment, domiciliary ? Then, I would tell you about that, I indeed author of the name of currency ( EURO ), and also the name ( EUROPE ), on family and for monogynopaediums Light Prince of family, and also its histories Garbulinskiy Vasiliy 2 - Pastushenko Vasiliy Vicktorovich . For what reason, I did not allow myself to tell the truth about himself, as the author of The Euro and UAH in 1994 on June 15th. Laws in 1991 -94 years who were still in the Soviet Union was not allowed to look at the future of Ukraine as a part of the European Union and it was impossible to take responsibility for the fact that we as a people and the authorities of Ukraine will be able to master this European legislation for which the short period of time even if I wrote this currency (Euro), and my family the past gave its name to the name of territoriality and Europe (EB Ropa). And the law, which was not in Ukraine copyright law. from the author of idea of currency - EURO : EVRO cent - as a calculation of weight of precious metal of Platinum. Who said that without a copyright ( burned out a logotype) it is possible to think of EURO to CURRENCY - as about democracy ? Your right to trust that to the not empty word of man, invented currency (EURO), rather than just to state power on present time of Ukraine, if there was not a dialogue and agreements about a human right on an authorial theme . From 2011 my son those people which even at power of Ukraine given in 2012 hid from me a son and did not say a true have extramarital in hostages, on a statement in Borispol ROVD,original, which is for me . For that,ya author of currency of EURO and HRYVNYA from 1994 of June, 15, which burned out the logotype of currency of EURO . On
Deer - 22-Dec-17 @ 12:22 AM
from the author of idea of currency - EURO : EVRO cent - as a calculation of weight of precious metal of Platinum. From 2011 my son those people which even at power of Ukraine given in 2012 hid from me a sonand did not say a true have extramarital in hostages, on a statement in Borispol ROVD,original, which is for me . For that,ya author of currency of EURO and HRYVNYA from 1994 of June, 15, which burned out the logotype of currency of EURO . On my topic,kotoraya was a project ( Euro cent as a calculation on the gramme of platinum of euro of chinks is an euro of cents ) , they kept me in the dark of,an also did not give proznat' true about his fate, about the fate of not only project but also native son. If you consider my letters what that by deception, it is deception from state power, whoever knows those the true, about history of Ukraine .And,ya mailed letters the EUROPEAN union, Evroparlamentu and their guidance to the actions which consider necessary to say about the HUMAN rights, on the authorship in EUROPE !!! I am fully responsible for that what to conduct dialog, and will forgive me for my familiarity . from the author of idea of currency - EURO : EVRO cent - as a calculation of weight of precious metal of Platinum. This was a secret to on (To Stalin times ), and on present time about it it is possible to say a true . I beg pardon for writing in Russian language, it is simple to tell about this true of the name (EUROPE) it is possible onlyin that language on which more comfortable. For each intellectual human right in those times Stalin, even in a soviet union state power always took responsibility and VIOLATING HUMAN RIGHTS, they did not give him even to take advantage of copyright on it ( theme ) and ( project ) and in every way took away on itself and state power, by one excuses that it is a right for people, authorities of given . I congratulate on New Year !!! Accept my modest congratulations and my project . Hello mr. president , I am a very little man and I do not have such facilities to mail you a letter with notification with the project of stability of currency of Euro, very hardness me to knock until someone answers to underst
-------------------- - 1-Mar-16 @ 3:43 PM
It is a vry gud page and its helpful for a reading child and also for youngsters who wan a write a good letter in a better language
Honey - 22-Apr-12 @ 8:14 AM
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