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Letter Requesting a Pay Rise or Promotion

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 25 Aug 2012 | comments*Discuss
Letter Requesting A Pay Rise Or Promotion

If you are considering putting in a written request for a pay rise or a promotion with your employer the way you word the letter is not only going to determine whether or not you have your wishes granted but worded incorrectly, it might be perceived entirely differently to how you intended and may even count against you.

Any kind of request has to be tactfully made and, more often than not, it has to be made at the appropriate time. In other words, if your company tends to have a pay review every 12 months and you’ve only been with your employer for 3 months, the way you write your letter won’t probably have any bearing whatsoever. You’re likely to be turned down flat regardless and your inappropriate timing will probably be frowned upon by both your boss and fellow colleagues alike.

However, if the timing is right and you think you have proved your value to your employer over an acceptable and sustained period, a tactfully written approach may produce a positive result.

How to Write the Letter

Your letter should be fairly brief and the tone should be confident and persuasive, giving reason why you believe you deserve what you are asking for, but it shouldn’t be overpowering or demanding.

You should focus on the progress you’ve made whilst with the company and how you have contributed to the company’s success as opposed to telling your boss what a ‘good egg’ you are and how you get on with him/her and everybody else. Only use sound examples to back up your request. Also, it’s important that you don’t threaten to look for alternative employment if the request isn’t granted. That tactic rarely works and can often damage your relationship with the company.

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